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Goodell: It Is Deeper Than a Song, Roger that!

Writer's picture:  Llerraj Esuod Llerraj Esuod

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

NFL Field Logo (Credit:NFL)

"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind and doctrine, by sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; …"

--Ephesians 4:14

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's plan to have the Black national anthem, Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing, played during all week one games of the upcoming season—followed by America's ditty, The Star Spangled-Banner— is a tawdry, strategic attempt to soothe Blacks' past and present grievances against civil, social and constitutional discontent.

His desperate attempt at solidarity is more likely to have the effect of the lullaby, Hush Little Baby.

Goodell is hoping to leave Blacks and empathizers satiated and full of the faith, of the hope and promise the dark past has taught them; however, the discerning among us recognize his sleight of hand and see it for what it is—much too little, far too late. Liberty and justice are abstract nouns. The time to make even a symbolic effort regarding Blacks' fight for justice that could have been taken seriously was several years ago when Kaepernick first took a knee.

This Geppetto move by Goodell and the other thirty-two puppet masters (team owners) is nothing more than a business transaction, an opportunity to commodify Black angst to safeguard their profit margins.

Carpe diem? Why not?

It is the American way!

Some Blacks looking for an excuse to tailgate will fall for it.

After witnessing George Floyd's public lynching, the collective anguish has many previously oblivious to what Kap protested, now scrambling to show compassion for what Blacks endured for centuries.

Monochromatic commercials now pledge allegiance to justice and finally seem capable of understanding that proclaiming Black Lives Matter does not mean others do not. While aspects of it feel genuine, time will tell how much. What is known right now is the NFL does not belong with sincere allies.

Did it have to take Chauvin's knee to Floyd's neck to now be in support of Kap's very transparent dissent against police brutality and systemic racism?


According to, "It would be awesome to engage Colin on some of the work we are doing. He's doing real impactful work. Getting him in some way would be amazing for us. There's a lot of work to do to get to that point. We're certainly open and willing to do that."


Is it remotely probable for the NFL to have been half-awakened by sniffing salts comprised of spilled blood, the smell of final breaths, pleas from graves and prisons, protests and the stench of smoldering businesses?

Highly doubtful.

The cognitive dissonance that allowed the NFL to view a man's specific protest against police brutality as an attack on their flag is self-serving intolerance too deep-seated to budge.

Whatever his real intention, Goodell's posturing price will be tallied when the Black national anthem is blasted from stadium speakers like bombs bursting in air on Sept. 10 when the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Houston Texans. He should not be surprised when, instead of being an effort to unite and make America great, he faces more kneeling, this time by white fans exercising their patriotic opposition to all things Black.

--Rebel Writes

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